How to Access Excel Tables with Python

Access Excel Tables with Python

This post is about extracting data from Excel tables into Python. Source data is with permission from ExcelisFun

You can try your hands with the accompanying notebook

Excel Tables are a great way of grouping related data, as it makes analysis easier. Usually,these tables will have names to identify them, as well as some other cool features. An example image is shown below:

image1.png Source :

image2.png Data Source : ExcelisFun

In the image above, there are a couple of Excel tables, with defined names - SalesRep, Products, Category, and Supplier tables. How do we read this into Python?

Option 1 - The Naive way:

Let's read it into pandas

import pandas as pd
filename = "Data_files/016-MSPTDA-Excel.xlsx"
df = pd.read_excel(filename, 
                   sheet_name = "Tables", 
                   engine = 'openpyxl')

# view the first five rows: 
   SalesRepID             SalesRep Region  Unnamed: 3  ProductID Products  \
0           1  Sioux Radcoolinator     NW         NaN        1.0     Quad   
1           2        Tyrone Smithe     NE         NaN        2.0   Yanaki   
2           3         Chantel Zoya     SW         NaN        3.0    Eagle   
3           4            Chin Pham     SE         NaN        4.0   Bellen   
4           5         Diego Vasque     MW         NaN        5.0    Aspen   

   RetailPrice  CategoryID SupplierID  Unnamed: 9  CategoryID.1  \
0        43.95         3.0         GB         NaN           1.0   
1        27.95         1.0         CO         NaN           2.0   
2        19.95         2.0         CC         NaN           3.0   
3        26.95         1.0         GB         NaN           4.0   
4        24.95         1.0         CO         NaN           5.0   

        Category  Unnamed: 12 SupplierID.1             Supplier        City  \
0       Beginner          NaN           GB       Gel Boomerangs     Oakland   
1       Advanced          NaN           CO  Colorado Boomerangs    Gunnison   
2      Freestyle          NaN           CC        Channel Craft    Richland   
3    Competition          NaN           DB        Darnell Booms  Burlington   
4  Long Distance          NaN          NaN                  NaN         NaN   

  State                         E-mail  
0    CA  
1    CO  
2    WA            
3    VT    
4   NaN                            NaN  

Notice how Pandas did not identify the tables - it just pulled in everything, even the empty columns. Also note the mangling of column names(SupplierID.1, CategoryID.1). This is not good enough. Yes, we could fix it, probably use the empty rows as a means of splitting the dataframe into new dataframes, but that is not wise. How do we truly know where one table starts and the other ends? Surely there has to be a better way. Thankfully there is.

Option 2 - The better way :

Check on stackoverflow and you'll see solutions and conversations regarding this. The better way is via Openpyxl, a python module dedicated to working with Excel files. It has a method - ._tables that allows access to defined tables in the spreadsheet.

# pip install openpyxl
# import library
from openpyxl import load_workbook

# read file
wb = load_workbook(filename)

# access specific sheet
ws = wb["Tables"]

We can access the tables in the worksheet through the tables method - this returns a dictionary :

{key : value for key, value in ws.tables.items()}
{'dSalesReps': 'A1:C26',
 'dProduct': 'E1:I17',
 'dCategory': 'K1:L6',
 'dSupplier': 'N1:R5'}

From the result above, we can see the name of each table (name=dSalesReps) and the span of the data (ref='A1:A26). Let's get our data out :

mapping = {}

for entry, data_boundary in ws.tables.items():
    # parse the data within the ref boundary
    data = ws[data_boundary]
    # extract the data 
    # the inner list comprehension 
   # gets the values for each cell in the table
    content = [[cell.value for cell in ent] 
               for ent in data

    header = content[0]

    # the contents ... excluding the header
    rest = content[1:]

    # create dataframe with the column names
    # and pair table name with dataframe
    df = pd.DataFrame(rest, columns = header)
    mapping[entry] = df
{'dSalesReps':     SalesRepID              SalesRep Region
0            1   Sioux Radcoolinator     NW
1            2         Tyrone Smithe     NE
2            3          Chantel Zoya     SW
3            4             Chin Pham     SE
4            5          Diego Vasque     MW
5            6      Vannessa Deloach      W
6            7            Shon Stein     NW
7            8           Tomi Benton     NE
8            9     Ghislaine Stidham     SW
9           10       Yoshiko Murillo     SE
10          11            Hoyt Potts     MW
11          12         Alysha Dewitt      W
12          13       Claudine Dupuis     NW
13          14         Shanta Spring     NE
14          15      Ramonita Babcock     SW
15          16     Janyce Betancourt     SE
16          17       Rhiannon Cathey     MW
17          18      Dominica Ordonez      W
18          19       Rana Burchfield     NW
19          20            Neida Ashe     NE
20          21  Marylouise Halverson     MW
21          22           Naoma Bloom     NW
22          23            JoJo Jones      W
23          24       Dean Washington      W
24          25              Kiki Lim      W, 'dProduct':     ProductID      Products  RetailPrice  CategoryID SupplierID
0           1          Quad        43.95           3         GB
1           2        Yanaki        27.95           1         CO
2           3         Eagle        19.95           2         CC
3           4        Bellen        26.95           1         GB
4           5         Aspen        24.95           1         CO
5           6       Carlota        23.95           3         GB
6           7      Sunshine        19.95           4         GB
7           8        Sunset        22.95           4         GB
8           9         Beaut        35.95           5         CO
9          10      Kangaroo        25.00           2         CC
10         11       Elevate        48.95           5         GB
11         12       Flattop        25.95           2         CO
12         13         Vrang        12.95           4         DB
13         14        TriFly        21.95           3         DB
14         15  NaturalElbow        35.00           4         DB
15         16      LongRang        41.00           5         CC, 'dCategory':    CategoryID       Category
0           1       Beginner
1           2       Advanced
2           3      Freestyle
3           4    Competition
4           5  Long Distance, 'dSupplier':   SupplierID             Supplier        City State  \
0         GB       Gel Boomerangs     Oakland    CA   
1         CO  Colorado Boomerangs    Gunnison    CO   
2         CC        Channel Craft    Richland    WA   
3         DB        Darnell Booms  Burlington    VT   

3    }

We can safely extract our tables from the dictionary :

dSalesReps, dProduct, dCategory, dSupplier = mapping.values()

Let's view some of the dataframes





There we have it, our excel tables successfully extracted and assigned to variables. We can proceed from here and run our computations in Pandas.